Grassy Spur Olives: /Our Honey
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Grassy Spur Olives

Our Honey


This pure honey is produced by the bees on the Grassy Spur Olive grove and more recently on other olive groves in South Gippsland.

Set in the traditional dairy country of South Gippsland, with its rolling hills, clean air and the excellent rainfall. We keep the bees to assist in the pollination of the olive trees that are normally pollinated by the wind. If we have a wet period over the pollination period, we find the bees will still do their job.

The hives are located in the centre of our grove next to a large dam. The honey is predominately from white clover with the olive flower influence during our pollination period in early-summer.  Later in summer the honey will be influenced by native trees flowering and will be a darker colour.

We do not blend or heat treat the honey in any way. We extract it manually from the frames, lightly filter and then bottle.  This often is referred to as "raw" honey.


NO. Honey does not go bad. Most honey will crystalise over time, meaning you can’t see through it anymore, and it becomes less liquid and more solid. This is a natural process for honey, and will happen sooner in some than in others. THIS IS A GOOD THING. It means the honey you bought is raw and of the finest quality. Processed honey takes forever to crystallise, because the pollen - and flavor - have been stripped out. Each jar informs our consumers about crystallisation, and provides the age-old remedy: put into hot water (not boiling) and gradually let it return to its liquid state.

Honey may contain small amounts of royal jelly and pollen, which may cause allergic reactions.

We label our honey with the year of collection


Next honey harvest is in December 2024

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Grassy Spur Honey


We generally harvest the honey twice a year - in December/January and then again in April before winter sets in and we close down the hives for winter, making sure we leave enough for them to get through to spring.

Tasting Notes
This the first harvest for summer 2023.  It is a light/amber delicate honey predominately influenced by the olive tree flowers and clover.


500gm / 375ml Jar
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Truffle Honey

Grassy Spur Truffle Honey - naturally infused with Borchii Truffles, harvested from our Truffiere at Grassy Spur in South Gippsland, Victoria.

Tasting Notes
An exciting blend of sweet honey and earthy truffles, a delicious addition to cheeses, cured meats or even over ice cream !


Our Olive Oil

Our high quality Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil is rich, spicy and full of flavour and is carefully produced from olives grown at our Grassy Spur olive grove.

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Our Grove

Established in 2005, our family run grove is situated in the green rolling hills of South Gipsland in Victoria, known for its clean air and excellent rainfall.

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Our Grove Honey

Our very special untreated and unblended honey is produced by the bees on the Grassy Spur Olive grove and is manually extracted and bottled at the grove.

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Our Awards

Our Olive Oil is a multi-award winning oil with the Australian Olive Association.

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